The name of the group shall be the “Internal Dosimetry User Group” (IDUG)
IDUG provides a forum for clinical and scientific staff to discuss dosimetry for molecular radiotherapy (MRT) and to offer practical help to members. It provides training on dosimetry for interested health professionals through workshops, meetings and publications and proactively supports national and international collaborations on guidelines and surveys.
Membership of the group shall be open to all physicists, technicians, radiographers, radiologists, oncologists and other professionals with an active involvement and interest in expanding the role of dosimetry in molecular radiotherapy. Commercial members are welcome to attend and participate in IDUG activities, but are not permitted to participate in the election of officers nor in the alteration of the group’s Terms of Reference.
The group shall hold regular (usually quarterly) meetings to discuss matters of relevance to MRT, usually with an activity theme and named lead. A library of training material links to guidelines and advice will be maintained online. All material held in this area is to be used by IDUG members for training purposes only and is not for clinical use. None of the material hosted by or disseminated by IDUG shall be deemed to form part of a Medical Device. Members should ensure they have permission from the owner of such material before submission to IDUG. Projects or group activities shall be assigned to small working groups of 2-3, rather than an individual.
The ToR may be altered by a two-thirds majority of those present at IDUG meetings, subject to a quorum of 12 members. Notice of proposed changes to the ToR must be given to the Chairs at least one month before a meeting: the Chairs must circulate the proposal to all members prior to the meeting. The ToR should be a standing item at the annual general meeting and reviewed on a biannual basis.